Working group meeting AK Munich on 04.09.2020.
September 18, 2020 By Mara Renberg
“Kneipp treatments and essential oils”.
On Friday September 4, 2020 our Munich working group met – for the first time since the Corona quarantine – for a live evening program:
Kneipp treatments and essential oils to strengthen the immune system.
The speaker Evi Hofmann, certified aroma practitioner, – wild herb guide and – Kneipp health trainer SKA, led us through the evening, with many stimulating and beneficial experiences.
We started in the small Taxis Park, on long park benches, with a lecture by Evi who briefly explained the most important techniques and effects of Kneipp. The teachings of Father Sebastian Kneipp are based on five pillars: Water treatments – herbal medicine – nutrition – exercise – order therapy.
With various Kneipp treatments, we have the opportunity to increase our defenses in a cost-effective, sustainable and simple way. By adding various essential oils in the form of baths, compresses and massage oils, the effect of the water treatments can be intensified.
The most important treatments are:
The barefoot walking- the dew treading- the water treading.
Among the smaller stimuli are: Brush massages, alternating foot baths (starting warm with eth. oil additive; ending cold), and washes with a linen cloth and cold water. Here you can choose between an upper-body and a lower-body wash; or you can combine both variants into a whole-body wash.
Stärkere Reize sind:
diverse Güsse – z.B. Knieguss, über den Schenkel- zum Arm- bis hin zum Vollguss; das Armbad, und das kalte Halbbad.
Evi Hofmann wies uns auch auf Alles hin, was wir beachten oder vermeiden müssen, um keine Schäden zu setzen. – um rundum zu profitieren. Wichtig ist z.B. immer darauf zu achten, daß die zu behandelnden Körperteile warm sind, sich die Person, welche die Güsse erhält wohl fühlt, und unmittelbar nach der Anwendung für Wiedererwärmung gesorgt wird. Dies geschieht durch Bewegen und kann durch das Einmassieren einer Ölmischung verstärkt werden.
Stronger stimuli are:
various casts – e.g. knee cast, via thigh to arm to full cast; the arm bath, and the cold half bath.
Evi Hofmann also pointed out to us everything we have to pay attention to or avoid in order not to set damage. – in order to benefit all around. It is important, for example, to always make sure that the parts of the body to be treated are warm, that the person who receives the water feels comfortable, and that immediately after the application, rewarming is ensured. This is done by moving around and can be enhanced by massaging in a mixture of oils.
AND: Do not use in acute bladder, kidney or other abdominal diseases.
At the end of the talk, we each received a sample of Evi’s Kneipp formula of red oil and various essential oils. With that, we next went to the small fountain (see photos) and the first hands-on part – with arm watering, technique tips, and then oil rubbing. Refreshing! So some of the day’s stress was already dissolved by the castings.
Afterwards we went to the main practical part in the small Kneipp facility of the park: we learned to walk in it, also in the stork walk, water treading… and to leave the ice-cold water in time when the cold starts to spread.
The crowning Kneipp conclusion was a leg or knee bath for each of us – with precise instructions, also to treat yourself to this benefit at home in the bathtub. – The whole thing was always rounded off with subsequent rubs.
Thus perfectly relaxed, we went to the relaxation area where we could make ourselves comfortable on couches and seats, while Evi read us a herbal fairy tale about mint.
Also the conclusion under the wine-covered pergola of the Italian Ristorante passed in elevated mood, with food and drink, good conversations and closeness.
We all enjoyed it very much!
The vivid photos of Brigitte Hornstein let you be a little part of it.
We very much hope to facilitate a nice live evening work circle again in the coming months.
Mara Renberg (Head of AK Munich)
Working Group Aroma Forum international – Munich
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