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Articles of Association

Association for the transnational promotion, dissemination and protection of traditions and natural sciences in the field of aromatherapy, aroma care and aroma culture: Aroma Forum International e.V.

The association has the following statutes:

  • 1 Name, Seat, Financial Year
  • 2 Purpose of the association
  • 3 Non-profit status
  • 4 Members
  • 5 Membership fees
  • 6 Organs of the association
  • 7 Management Board
  • 8 Responsibility of the Executive Board
  • 9 Meeting of the Board
  • 10 Cash management
  • 11 General Meeting
  • 12 Organising Offices
  • 13 Advisory Board
  • Article 14 Dissolution
  • Article 15 Liability


The task of naturopathy is to bring people into harmony with their nature, that is, to live with it and not against it.

                                                                                                                                         Hippocrates (460 – 377 BC)

With a respectful attitude towards creation and careful use of essential oils and vegetable oils, we gratefully use the gifts of nature.                                                                                                                                                                        Mary Hoch

§1 Name, registered office, financial year

(1) The association bears the name: “Aroma-Forum-International”. It shall be entered in the register of associations. After the registration the association carries the name “e.V.”.

(2) The association has its seat in Munich.

(3) The financial year of the association is the calendar year.

§2 Purpose of the association

(1) The purpose of the association is the transnational promotion, dissemination and protection of traditions and natural sciences in the field of aromatherapy, aroma care and aroma culture.

(2) The preservation and promotion of physical, mental and social well-being, the self-responsibility of the individual for active health care and maintenance are sustainably supported, developed and practiced.

(3) Public education.

(4) The purpose of the statutes shall be realised in particular through:

a) International networking and cooperation with experts, professional bodies, associations, societies, etc., which support the aims of the association in the field of aromatherapy, aroma care and aroma culture

b) Intercultural exchange with the networked regions/countries

(c) Setting up and chairing working parties, specialist groups, etc.

(d) Establishment of an independent expert advisory board (see § 13)

(e) Creation of an encyclopaedia of flavourings for the homepage – generally accessible

(e) Creation of an encyclopaedia of flavourings for the homepage – generally accessible

(f) Establishing a generally accessible knowledge database in the field of tradition, science and practice

(g) Technical advic

(h) establishment and further development of uniform training guidelines to ensure a high level of practical quality in the use of essential oils and vegetable oils

(i) Organisation and implementation of information events, seminars, workshops, training courses and study visits

(j) Prevention work

(k) Public relations

(l) Newsletter via e-mail for members

(m) Technical support for the cultivation, production, storage, processing and use of genuine and controlled organic essential oils and vegetable oils from the point of view of bio ecology

§3 Non-profit status

(1) The association exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes in the sense of the section “tax-privileged purposes”.

of the German Fiscal Code.

(2) The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

(3) Funds of the association may only be used for the purposes set out in the statutes. The members do not receive any allowances from funds of the association.

(4) No person may be favoured by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.

§4 Members

(1) Any natural or legal person of full age who supports or promotes the purpose of the Association may become a member.

(2) The application for admission to the Association must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee. The board of directors decides on the admission. The Board may object to the written application for admission within one month.

(3) Membership ends upon death, in the case of legal persons and companies with legal capacity, by loss of legal personality, by resignation or by exclusion from the Association.

(4) Resignation must be declared in writing to the Executive Board and must be received 3 months before the end of the year, i.e. by 30 September of each year. A proportional or full refund of the membership fee is not possible.

(5) The executive committee decides on the exclusion.

(6) An appeal against the refusal of admission and against the exclusion can be lodged at the next general meeting.

§5 Membership fees

(1) An annual membership fee is charged to the members, the amount of which is determined by the general meeting. The due date is 31 January of each year. In the event of gross violations of the association’s obligations, e.g. non-payment of the membership fee despite two reminders, the executive committee can decide to expel a member with immediate effect.

§6 Organs of the association

(1) Organs of the association are the executive committee, the general meeting and the organisation offices

§7 Board of Directors

(1) The executive committee consists of the chairman / president (1), the deputy chairman / vice president (2), the secretary (3), the treasurer (4) and the assessor (5).

(2) The executive committee is elected by the general meeting in a secret ballot for two years. The members of the executive committee remain in office after the expiration of their term of office until the new election.

§8 Responsibility of the board

(1) The Executive Board is responsible for all matters of the Association that are not reserved for other bodies of the Association by these Statutes.

(2) In particular, it has the following tasks:

a) Preparation of the general meetings and setting the agenda

b) Convening of the general meeting

c) Execution of the decisions of the general meeting

d) Management of the assets of the Association

e) Preparation of the annual and cash reports

f) Resolution on the admission and exclusion of members of the Association.

(3) The first chairman and the deputy chairman together represent the association in and out of court.

(4) The board of directors has a quorum if at least 3 board members are present at board meetings (telephone conference or internet conference possible). A representation is not possible.

(5) If the number of board members is reduced after an election due to the resignation or death of one or more board members, the board can fill the vacant positions from its own ranks by majority vote until the next general meeting.

(6) The members can have the early removal of one or more board members put on the agenda for all general meetings in accordance with the legal or statutory regulations.

(7) Each member of the board is individually entitled to represent the association in the field of public relations in consultation with the 1st chairman or his deputy.

(8) The board is responsible for all association matters that are not explicitly assigned to the general meeting by the statutes.

(9) The members of the executive committee with the right to represent the association individually are bound to the majority decisions of the executive committee.

(10) Board members may receive appropriate remuneration for their work exceeding 12 hours per month, provided the financial situation of the association allows it. The amount of the remuneration (hourly rate) is determined by the general meeting.

(11) The board has the right to discharge the members of the association in general meetings.

(12) If at least 10% of the members present or represented demand it, the discharge of the individual members of the board must be voted on separately.

(13) The board is entitled to entrust a managing director with the handling of the current association business.

(14) If the entry in the register of associations or the recognition of non-profit status by the responsible tax office is opposed by certain contents of the statutes, the board is entitled to make corresponding changes independently.

§9 Meeting of the board

(1) For the meeting of the Executive Board, the members shall be invited to the meeting by the Chairman or, in his absence, by the Deputy Chairman in good time, but at least one week in advance.

(2) Resolutions can only be passed with a simple majority of the valid votes cast in the Executive Board. In the event of a tie, the Chairman or the member of the Executive Board chairing the meeting shall have the casting vote.

(3) Written minutes of the meeting shall be drawn up. The minutes shall contain the place and time of the Executive Board meeting, the names of the participants, the resolutions and the result of the vote.

(4) The resolutions are to be published within 2 weeks in the members’ area of the association’s homepage (see § 8)

§10 Cash management

(1) The funds necessary to achieve the purpose of the association are primarily raised from contributions, donations, income from further education and training, events, inheritances, legacies, donations, sponsor contributions, subsidies, other grants.

(2) The treasurer must keep accounts of the cash transactions and prepare annual financial statements. Payments may only be made on the basis of payment orders issued by the board of directors.

(3) The annual financial statement is to be audited by two cash auditors, each of whom is elected for two years. They are to be presented to the general meeting for approval.

§11 General Assembly of Members

(1) The General Assembly is responsible for the following matters:

a) Acceptance of the reports of the board and discharge of the board

b) Fixing the amount of the annual contribution

c) Election and dismissal of the members of the board and the Cash auditor

d) Resolution on the rules of procedure of the Management Board

e) Passing resolutions on amendments to the statutes and on the dissolution of the association

f) Resolution on the appeal against a decision of the Executive Board on a rejected application for admission and on

an exclusion

(2) The ordinary General Assembly of Members shall take place at least once a year. In addition, the general meeting must be convened if the interests of the association require it or if one fifth of the members request it in writing, stating the purpose and reasons, from the executive committee.

(3) Each general meeting is called by the chairman, or, in his absence, by the deputy chairman. The invitation to Munich is sent by e-mail, fax or in writing, usually 6 weeks (in exceptional cases at least 2 weeks) in advance – at least once a year.

(4) It should take place in May or June of each calendar year.

(5) The agenda determined by the Executive Board must be communicated at the same time.

(6) The items on the agenda shall be determined by the Board of Directors by majority vote, taking into account applications from members important to the Association which have been submitted to the Board of Directors in writing or by e-mail by March 1 of the same calendar year.

(7) The location of the general meeting can also take place at other locations in the professional interest of the members.

(8) In the case of elections, the chairperson of the meeting may delegate the chairperson of the meeting for the duration of the ballot and the preceding discussion to a Committee of 2 members.

(9) The general meeting consists of the members of the association present and represented by proxy and entitled to vote.

(10) The written power of attorney with membership number must be presented to the board at the beginning of the general meeting.

(11) Unless the statutes stipulate otherwise, the simple majority of the valid votes cast is decisive for the passing of resolutions; abstentions are not taken into consideration.

(12) Under the agenda item “Miscellaneous” suggestions and wishes can be made and expressed in the meeting, but no resolutions can be brought about. Therefore, no votes may be taken either.

(13) A majority of three quarters of the valid votes cast is required to amend the statutes and dissolve the Association.

(14) The amendment of the purpose of the association requires the agreement of 9/10 of the votes of all members of the association.

(15) The manner of voting is basically determined by the chairman as chairman of the meeting.

(16) Minutes are to be taken of the course of the general meeting, which are to be signed by the 1st chairman or his deputy.

(17) The minutes shall contain the place and time of the meeting, the number of members present, the person chairing the meeting, the agenda, the resolutions, the results of the voting and the type of voting.

(18) The executive committee decides on honorary memberships.

§12 Organising Offices

(1) The association has a main organisation office and transnational organisation offices.

(2) The cross-national organisation offices are subordinate to the main organisation office.

§13 Advisory board

(1) The association is supported by an advisory board, which includes experts in the field of testing essential oils, aromatherapy, aroma care, aroma cosmetics etc. and specialists in the cultivation and processing of aromatic plants.

(2) The task of the expert advisory board is to provide scientific and practical support and advice in all tasks of the association.

(3) The members of the Advisory Board are proposed by the Board of Directors and appointed for two years. In the event that a member of the Advisory Board resigns prematurely, the Executive Board can appoint a substitute member until the next General Assembly of Members.

§14 Dissolution

(1) The dissolution of the association can only be decided in a general meeting convened for this purpose and with a six-week notice period.

(2) The dissolution of the Association or the cessation of tax-privileged purposes shall transfer the assets of the Association to the Christophorus Hospiz Verein e.V., Effnerstrasse 93, 81925 Munich, which shall use them directly and exclusively for certain charitable purposes in the sense of these statutes, e.g. public education and health care.

§Article 15 Liability

(1) The association is only liable with the association’s assets.

Munich, 04.11.2008

(3rd amendment to the statutes)

signed. Maria Hoch, President

signed. Christiane Lübke, Vice President

