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The Board of Directors

The Management Board

So that you know whom you can address in detail as a member, the Board of Management will introduce itself briefly:

Maria Hoch


Maria Hoch, 1957, trained as a nurse in Mainz and worked as a nurse for 17 years. After the birth of her son, she started using essential oils in the clinical and private sector in 1987. From 1995 to 2011, she worked in nursing management and, as nursing director, introduced aroma care as a nursing specialty.

More about Maria Hoch

Christiane Lübke

Vice President

Christiane Lübke is a specialist nurse for anaesthesia & intensive care and has been working as a ward manager at the Weilheim-Schongau GmbH hospital since November 2008. During her work as a nurse at the Klinikum Großhadern from 1987 to 2008, she used essential oils in her daily nursing routine. She completed her training as an aroma practitioner in 1999 with Eliane Zimmermann.

More about Christiane Lübke

Christiane Schweizer


Christiane Schweizer graduated in 1984 as a nurse. Since the 90, she has been intensively engaged in naturopathic topics. Afterwards she learned the reflex zone massage with Hanne Marqardt. She visited different Kinesiology-Seminars and is trained as a trainer for relaxation methods.

More about Christiane Schweizer

Irena Junkova


Irena Junkova is a graduate economist and has been head of the secretariat of Aroma Forum International e.V. since 2015. She has been working with essential and fatty plant oils in the private sector for several years and completed her training as an aroma practitioner at the Aroma Campus in 2017.


More about Irena Junkova

Annette Schmidmeier


Annette Schmidmeier has been a registered nurse since 1982 and has since worked in the orthopaedics and rehabilitation as well as surgery departments. Until 2013, she was head of a specialist department of the urological clinic at the University Hospital of Munich Großhadern.  She was already familiar with the power and application of naturopathic remedies from her parents’ home.

More about Annette Schmidmeier
